- This contest is open to expatriates. Please carefully study the categories that have specific entries.
- Entries can be emailed to meera@globaladjustments.com. Alternatively they could be couriered to our office in a CD or a pen drive. They should be sent to Ms. Meera, No. 5, 3rd Main Road, R. A. Puram, Chennai – 600028. Hard copies or prints of photographs will not be accepted.
- Photo submissions should be of high quality and high-resolution (preferably more than 1,500 pixels dimension), so that we can reproduce the photographs in print and mount them for the exhibition. Low-resolution and poor quality images will be disqualified.
- All entries should be accompanied by the Submission Forms 1 & 2 (attached here in one document – Terms_Condition_2020-Beautiful-India), with the relevant details filled in. No text or numbers should be recorded on the face of the photos.
- Participants may submit photos for more than one category. Each participant is allowed a maximum of 4 entries in each category. A participant may submit up to a maximum of 16 photographs in all.
- Light cosmetic changes are allowed but the original character of the picture as shot with the camera should be preserved as far as possible.
- Global Adjustments reserves the right to reproduce competition photographs, with due credit, in its magazine, publications or collateral and non-commercial purposes.
- If you don’t receive a confirmation within 24 hours of your email, please write to janani@globaladjustments.com

How To Submit Entries ?

When Is The Award Ceremony?
Last date for entries: 22nd January, 2020
Entries received later than 22nd January, 2020 will not be accepted.
The Awards Ceremony will take place in February, 2020.
Details of the Award Ceremony and invitations will be available from 15th of January, 2020 onwards